Photo by @tifotos
Someone said: “Emotions are like the swell, you can’t stop the waves from coming, but you can decide which ones to surf or not and how to surf them!“
Since the definition of emotion is actually “energy in motion” and the waves are energy in motion too. In fact, swell is created from a powerful storm somewhere in the ocean. From all that intense energy generated by that storm, energy rings (waves) are formed and start traveling across the ocean. When these rings of energy (as high above the level of the ocean then below) travel 2000 miles or more and finally reach the shallow end of our coast. When that energy reaches the sand bars, reefs, rock points, it literally folds over itself and we, humans, have the opportunity to surf, feel and capture some of that energy frequency.
It’s healing. It has to be. It sure feels like it is and it’s pretty much addictive. When you get to surf a good waves, you 100% want to surf another one. You paddle back out.
Photo by @margarita_salyak
Back to the emotions in life. Things are going to come up. Not everything will work out exactly how you would like it to. Your heart will be broken and you will also be filled with so much love. The way you decide to react to those emotions is your choice. Sometimes, we simply do what we do out of old habits but it still is your choice. It’s just important to be more conscious in general. Stay more in the moment instead of getting sucked into the social media world. Whatever action you choose to take as an effect for your life but also in your kids life for example. Your energy, the energy that surrounds you, the one you feel when you are walking into a room. That energy you choose of editing to your kids affects them greatly. So, now that you know that, not only would it be cool to learn how to flow through life better for you but also for your kids, for your family and for your friends.
It’s like riding a wave and coming up to a section. You can climb the foam, you can float over it or you can simply choose to just go around the section, pump, pump to bottom turn and make the wall to throw a sick turn. Your choice. It always is. It always was.
Photo by @margarita_salyak
The waves do their things, just like LIFE. Life will keep happening. Though, you have the total capacity to attract the best waves into your life. Like love, abundance, health, a new surfboard, a Nintendo Switch.
It’s all available. It’s how you surf life!
The way I see it is: just like paddling out to go surfing a heavy hollow beach break for example is like going through a rough patch in life. You gotta keep paddling, past the white water. Keep paddling strong, never give up until you are 100% sure you are outside…even then, you gotta be on the look out for the signs of a big outside clean up set.
Even up until that point, you still have a choice. You can paddle towards the monster hollow wave and go under it or over it, or you stay where you are or you paddle towards the beach to only have to deal with a wall of white water instead of a heaping heavy lip.
Photo by @margarita_salyak
In life, big events happen, and how you decide to ride that wave and keep flowing through life, personal or business after going through whatever challenges you are dealing with; is the same way as paddling to the outside. You never give up until you achieve and when new opportunities come, jump on them, give them a try. Practice being flexible for anything coming at you. Then, you have the ultimate choice. How am I going to react and make myself feel? All you … Always was!
Positive vibes attract positive vibes. Just like having a good mood while surfing usually results in attracting some good waves your way. Who we become impatient and frustrated with the surf line up or the conditions. Then, by law, we are attracting more obstacles and catching less high quality waves. Positive thoughts, words and actions attract more positive vibrations. As well, negative attracts negative. For maximum results, it is said that : “Not being negative isn’t sufficient, being positive at all times is where the magic is at”.
Photo by @margarita_salyak
We are energy, the waves are energy, the storm that created the waves is energy, everything is energy, trillions of particles, sensing… Energy vibrating at a certain frequency. As humans, we have the ability to tune into a higher vibrating frequency as we wish. It’s just sometimes much easier to jump back and forth between both. High and Low vibrating moments.
Photo by @tifotos
Notice next time you surf, your mood has a lot to do with the quality of waves you are attracting or find yourself in position for. Or sometimes, you can notice it when certain people arrive into the line up with a competitive vibe and it changes everything, the flow, the waves, the energy…
The same way as feeling the anger of an angry person walking into a room. Or on a positive side, if someone walks into a room. The charisma of that person will be felt automatically by everyone inside that room. The charisma is that energy field around us and just like a storm we generate swell. We generate waves of energy traveling away from us. Our energy has an effect on others when it reaches them just like waves created by the storms have an effect on us when we surf them or when they break in front of us.
Photo by @tifotos
Surfing a good wave makes us wanna surf another good wave or seek for a better one.
Just like living a positive moment or feeling a joyful one makes us wanna’ live and feel more positive, joyful situations.
Plain and simple. We want to feel good! Flowing through life feels good. Eating it over the falls doesn't but if we can remember that we can always get back up and get onto the next wave, to live that possibility; There’s a probability of the next moment becoming a positive, feel-good one.
“Somewhere between the stimuli and the reaction. There is space. A space to make a choice. A choice of how you will react.”
In Surfing, that space is the moment when you see the wave building and approaching and you decide, any that moment, to commit to dropping in and riding that next wave or wait for the next one or even the next set. It’s your choice! You are free!
Photo by @tifotos
So you are jumping into this opportunity, you decide you will make the best of it… You are paddling for the wave and boom, just like that you are standing up on your board and descending down the face of the wave. That’s when your next choice comes into play…Now, you can decide to pick a line, glide and trim it or you can choose to pump, get more speed, bottom turn and attach the lip with a powerful flawless turn off the lip and you can give it all you got.
Like life, when an opportunity comes your way. First of all, pay attention, you probably called it in yourself. The opportunity is there. It always was! You got the job, you met the girl. Now you have the choice of how you want to approach it. Maybe a good balance between flow and a slightly-too-aggressive-
Photo by @tifotos
“Once you have all the ingredients in front of you, you still have to make the cake!“
Drop in, Stay balanced, be grateful, be present, be appreciative of the opportunity to be riding that wave. That choice, choose it wisely… and remember, there’s always going to be another wave of opportunity coming. So if that one doesn't feel right, if it doesn’t land for you, just don’t do it. You have the choice. Be patient, wait for the wave you wanna ride and surf it as good as you can.
When choosing how to react, how to surf. Always choose love. Stay true to yourself, keep your integrity, and be patient. Keep those vibrations high. Be grateful. Stay grateful. That way, you will be attracting the best waves into your life and truly creating those exact waves going at you!
Surf’s up!
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